Mpix Rocks
Several years ago I was busy as a professional photographer. The whole “to give a client digital images or not” debate was really just starting. If you’ve ever wondered why photographers don’t always include a disk, well there are many reasons. A big one is that a client takes those great images and then buys the cheapest prints he/she can find online…and those great photos look not so great. The terrible prints become a reflection of the photographer. I struggled giving clients digital copies. I wanted them to have the images, but I did not want them to get terrible prints…which would reflect on my work as a photographer. I began searching for a professional quality lab that had both consistently great prints and affordable prices. Mpix is the consumer branch of Millers (a standard-setting lab on the professional side of photography). And so began my journey with Mpix.
About a year later, I contacted Mpix about an idea I had for doing intro to photography workshops. They’ve sponsored my SnapShops ever since. Well, this spring I had the privilege of meeting with some amazing members of the Mpix team to collaborate on the future of Mpix. A few months later, they asked me to be a part of the Mpix Rocks campaign. Honestly, I could “say yes” without hesitation because Mpix is a company I’ve stood behind for several years. You’ve seen me share about Mpix here long before I began working with them….now I am on their homepage. I know it looks like I photo-shopped myself on there, but honestly it really is there đ
That page leads you to a little info on me and my favorite Mpix products.
When we began discussing the new Mpix Rocks ad, I looked online at the ones from the past.
“Oooooooo”, I thought. Gorgeous car, high tech computer, beach, mountains, gorgeous white couch, stunning bride….what amazing background would I do?
Then reality (and guidance from the talented Samae at Mpix) stepped in and took over. Reality is I don’t typically do photography in gorgeous settings with perfect models. I spend my days photographing real life…all the messes and all the joys. I relish the opportunities I have to encourage others to pick up their cameras and capture life. I’m so grateful I get to teach the basics of photography…to everyday people, not professional photographers. I think Mpix rocks, not because I can encourage professional photographers to print bridal portraits there. I think Mpix Rocks because I can encourage you to get your captured moments printed by a professional quality lab at a great price. So, it just made sense that my background would be everyday life. Here’s my ad:
And because I know you guys like the ‘real life’ so much, I thought I’d share what didn’t get published in magazines!
A better look at the result.
What I love most about this ad is that if you look closely you will notice two things I didn’t realize at the time:
1. There is blue painters tape on the staircase that I forgot to remove after quickly painting the steps white that morning.
2. The lamp does not have a lightbulb. I moved it to the playroom a month ago for this post, and have never replaced it.
That is real life.