Rollie Pollies & Moths

If they aren’t playing in water or with Legos they are chasing bugs. The have a great knack for catching moths butterflies with a pool net. Yes, I have a pool net for an inflatable tiny pool…..

They also have a mini obsession with Rollie Pollies. If I’d let them catch the bunny that lives in my flowerbed they probably try to turn it into a pet too.

In unrelated news….a package arrived on my door. I wasn’t sure what was inside.

And then I opened it and remembered. Glorious Day.

Make my own tattoos…yes please. I change my mind way too much to ever get a real tattoo, but I am pretty sure the kids and I will have some summer fun with these.

So yeah….I got a Silhouette in the mail. I’ve seen giveaways for them on big time blogs and always wanted to get my hands on one. Well guess what….I was asked to do a giveaway and review. That means very soon one of you could win one of these right here on my blog! I am so excited to be able to give one away – I’m also super excited to try it out myself. They look like a crafter’s dream! Speaking of crafting – I’m planning a craft week at the end of the month. 5 days of simple crafts 🙂

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poolside...well kind of

June 9, 2011

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Okie Noodling

June 13, 2011