feeding the ducks

You guys are an encouraging group…thanks for your comments and emails yesterday. My little flower pots are awaiting plants and then they will be at home in the playroom. That was an addicting project…so much I could Mod Podge, so little time. Anyway…

Another summer activity my kids enjoy is feeding the ducks at Rhema (a local Bible college). Rhema has a great park that is open to the public. If you go in the morning it is usually empty. That means if you have 4 kids they can run all over the place while you either chase them with a camera or sit on a bench and enjoy an iced coffee.

On this particular morning I chose to chase them with my camera and 85mm lens.

ISO 100, 1/1000, f/3.2

She was still a bit unsteady and slow on her feet, so I took her baby walker stroller.

ISO 100, 1/1000, f/3.2 6.7.11-2

He is such a great big brother. He passed out the bread while she sneaked in bites. Her dress is from The Tea Collection. I won it last year thanks to blog readers tipping me off on a facebook photo contest.

ISO 100, 1/125, f/4.0; ISO 100, 1/1250, f/

ISO 100, 1/2500, f/3.2

She is kissing the baby, not attacking it.

ISO 100, 1/125, f/

The thing about parks is I typically can only get the back of heads. One day I will look back at all the pictures I have of my kids from behind and it will bring me back to these days of chasing them.

ISO 100,  1/250, f/3.2 6.7.11-7

She may be a bit slower these days, but she is every bit as determined to keep up with the boys as she was before.

ISO 100, 1/250, f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/2500, f/

Playing hide and seek….the benefit of having a entire park to ourselves.

ISO 100, 1/125, f/4.0

Her big brothers started teaching her how to ‘quack’ like a duck. We have our days that are rough, exhausting and hard, but looking at these reminds me I am living the dream.

ISO 100, 1/125, f/

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getting rid of the 'blah'

June 6, 2011

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poolside...well kind of

June 9, 2011