Sunshine on my face

It is good, good, good to feel the sunshine again! This whole massive cast thing is hard work. My arms are rubbed raw from it. My hip bone is already bruised from the bar. But, on a happy note it is no big deal not to be able to go to the gym right now because my biceps are doubling in size every hour! She wants to be held all the time…which sounds wonderful, but it is actually really hard. After getting her down for a nap I got to spend a little jumping time with my sweetie boy.

The warm sun, his giggle, the ball bouncing off my head – perfection.

When we are outside she is begging to “jump” and “swing”. She doesn’t understand yet that the cast is limiting her. Good thing she thinks it is fun to be pushed by her brothers.

The boys were having a water gun fight and gave her a gun (there was a towel over the cast to keep it dry, I moved it for the picture). She just kept shooting herself in the face and laughing. Goofball.

For those that were curious…the diaper changes are as difficult as you might guess. Thanks to some great advice from blog readers who have been down this road I am learning from the pros. Let’s just say it involves a lot of tucking into small cast openings. Many also asked about the car seat. No, she can’t sit in a car seat but has a contraption that looks like she is going to go sky diving to travel in the car.

The first night home we woke up with 2 adults, a 3 year old, a 5 year old and a big pink cast in our queen size bed. It kind of feels like coming home from the hospital with a newborn…only the newborn weighs 40lbs and has rough skin. We’ll figure out this new normal, but dreams of holding her skinny legs and bitty booty dance in my head.

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drumroll please....we are HOME!!!!

April 28, 2011

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May 5, 2011