Day 5 {hip hip hooray for friends & family}
Several days a week FireCracker plays on the playground with one of my oldest sons friends, “H”. On the playground “H” watches over my girl, takes her under her wing and loves on her. It was a happy moment for both girls when they got to see eachother in the hospital. “H” brought her own fluffy unicorn to cheer up my girl. FireCracker clung to her friend….
It didn’t take a hospital visit for me to know that I have incredible friends and family. It didn’t take this stay to make me grateful for them, but I am blown away by all they’ve done to pour love on my family. I am pretty sure I will be leaving the hospital several pounds heavier from all the food. While meals are brought to me, others are taking meals to my boys at home. We are very much cared for…even a bouquet of giftcards…iTunes & Amazon for online books đ Things I would not think of (like a big bin of snacks for the boys when they are here) have been dropped off. I’ve got it good.
FireCracker is running out of room in her bed! She has been given so much – all of which are saving graces for providing changing and constant entertainment for her. I have had zero creativity in ideas for things for her to do…I haven’t needed to even think of things because so many are thinking of things for me.
Yeah for friends and family who bring comfort, smiles, love and support. It is hard not to be positive when we’ve been given so much.
This week my second oldest boy turned 5. I usually decorate the house and make the day full of special little things. It was so very hard for me to be at the hospital and unable to do the little things I love to do on birthdays. Those close to me knew it would be hard on me so you know what….they took care of my little guy. He got into the car the morning of his birthday to discover the garage door decorated in celebration of his day. He got a special doughnut breakfast with grandparents. He had cupcakes at preschool. A friend picked him up from school with balloons. He had a mini-party with friends on the playground. He had a family party at the hospital (because he wanted his mommy & sister to be there). Before he left the hospital he told me, “This is the greatest day of my life.”
Thank you sweet family and friends.
My youngest son has needed a haircut in a terrible way (see photo above). My mom went beyond grandma duties of watching him and took a 3 year old to get a haircut. He did great and he looks so handsome. He’s taken care of….he is happy.
I was laying in the crib with my girl and she was kissing and hugging me. I started crying and in an instant her smile turned to a lip quiver. She is looking to me to know how to respond to this. She is looking to me to be her example, stability and comfort. I am so, so grateful for family & friends that are doing everything they can to care for my family so I can keep it together for my girl. I’m grateful for a God that knows exactly what I need and when I need it…and gave me friends and family to hold onto right now. And I am thankful for a spunky little girl that despite a tough circumstance still has that sparkle in her eyes.