The Homies


Well I am not sure how it happened, but this crazy little blog was named The Best Kids Design Blog of 2011 over at Apartment Therapy! Really? Thank you all for your votes and support. It is funny how things happen that we never imagine. I truly enjoy writing this blog and I am surprised weekly by the posts that resonate with you all. Thank you for your comments. Thank you for your encouragement.

Thank you for reading.

There were 9 other finalists in my category…each are full of inspiration. I highly encourage checking them out:

The prize for winning is $50.00. Inspired by Young House Love, instead of spending that $50.00 on one more thing that I would enjoy, but don’t really need….I’m putting it towards something much bigger….because this blog isn’t really just about me…it is bigger. Did you know Chris and I have 5 kids….2 share the same birthday one year apart. They are both boys. One lives with us. The other lives with his parents in Africa. He is our ‘sponsored child’ through Compassion International. His birthday is quickly approaching and a $50.00 gift for his family is one that will last a lifetime. So, thank you for giving my oldest son such a great birthday present!

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Blizzard 2011

February 4, 2011

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keeping us warm & cozy

February 7, 2011