from the weekend

This could be the most boring post ever. For a brief moment I thought about not posting at all, but I am a creature of habit and that would just drive me crazy not to post. So…here are a few pictures from the weekend.

When I am at the kitchen sink these three little guys keep me company on the window ledge. The one of the far left probably should go in the trash, but he makes me smile. My older boys attached him to some fireworks last July and this is how he came out. Little boys…legomen strapped to fireworks…doesn’t he make you smile? He’ll probably still be above my sink in 10 years. Most of the Legomen in our house are missing a limb or two…and their face paint has been worn off.


I don’t have much interesting to post today because I have been busy, busy, busy trying to get to a point I can move the bed back to our bedroom. This picture makes me laugh. Not many people would have tools and ladders strewn about ‘brand new’ floors.

My friend asked if I have a master plan for my bedroom. The answer is “No”. I am totally making up things as I go, which is why I could never help someone else decorate their house. I try stuff and if I doesn’t work I start over. After painting the floors I told Chris several times a day, “I sure hope I like these.” I wasn’t confident I liked my floors until we moved the bed and some furniture in.

I am ‘wallpapering’ one wall with chicken wire. It wasn’t my idea….my sweet friend Lori helped me. I’ll post more about that later.

We did get to move some of our furniture back into our room. I won’t be posting many “after” pictures of the room for a while. I want to get it all finished first – which will probably take a few weeks. FireCracker has been helping a lot. I gave her a hairstyle that better fits her personality 🙂

If you have emailed recently and are waiting to hear back from me…I am slowly working through my inbox.

Give a few days and I hope to catch up.


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boredom buster {marshmallows & toothpicks}

January 14, 2011

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diy {craft jar gift}

January 18, 2011