online loves {ProPhoto Blogs & WordPress Help Center}

If you have followed this blog over the last year you know that Google Reader stopped working consistently on my blog. It has been annoying to say the least. I don’t understand web code (or if that is even what it is called!), so it has made it difficult for me to figure out things. I have done all kinds of searches, forums, emails and posts asking for help….no avail. Recently I got an email from a blog reader that said she thought my blog had been hacked. I didn’t know who to contact other than the amazingly wonderful guys at ProPhoto Blogs. They did all they could and confirmed to me that my blog had an old hack. Then they referred me to the equally wonderful WordPress Help Center. I admit I am always a bit leary of web help becasue I don’t know enough to know if I am being ripped off or not (kind of like auto body shops…you just don’t know).

Well…as you Google Reader followers know….my blog is working and the hack has been cleaned…and WordPress Help Center did it earlier than estimated and without extra hours of charges. I can’t say enough about the incredible service that ProPhoto Blogs & WordPress Help Center offers. EVERYTIME I have ever had a need or a question they have promptly and kindly helped. So, I wanted to take the time to say “Thank You” to ProPhoto Blogs and WordPress Help Center. (if you smartly decide to purchase a ProPhoto blog template use this code for $10.00 off ASHCAM473)

We were so excited to see Google Reader working! (Mac PhotoBooth pics)

In other news, today my monthly Photo Design Project will be posted over at Design Aglow. For those that were a bit confused last month about what Design Aglow is….in the most basic sense it is a resource for photographers. When you order custom cards, announcements, and other fun boutique items from professional photographers those items are often purchased from Design Aglow or similar companies. Professional photographers then customize each product to fit their studio needs. You don’t have to be a professional photographer to purchase from Design Aglow, but for most items you do need to own and have a working knowledge of Photoshop.

If that doesn’t apply to you…you can still make most of my projects using other things. So come check out my Design Aglow diy post later today:

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one more test...just to be sure

August 19, 2010

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boys mud joy

August 23, 2010