I made my boy’s summer

UPDATE: The swords and shields are from Target (of course!)

This summer I was inspired by Meg to make a big Summer List of all the things the boys wanted to do. We spent lots of time being creative, messy and just having fun together. Our list is all checked off.
In the last few days of summer I realized I could have skipped the entire list. I replaced worn out swords with new ones that had matching shields (from Target). Evidently the entire summer list of creative hands-on things we did paled in comparison to foam weapons. I have noted this to myself. Next year’s Summer List will include the following “buy new swords and shields”.  I will check it off June 1st and feel satisfaction for accomplishing everything on our Summer List.

When the swords are out, the boys prefer that their sister wear her tutu and play the role of the princess that needs protecting. She likes it.

I really like my crazy world of boys. They are rough, tough, loud….and they love their mommy….and their tutu wearing sister.

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A tour of our playroom

August 12, 2010

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diy {last year of elementary school backpack}

August 16, 2010