legos…packages…a surprise

Contest is now closed…the last counting comment was Brooke’s.

Baby it’s cold outside…so let’s keep busy inside. Here’s a bit of what we’ve been doing…

I’m working on a surprise for a friend who is far from home right now…more of this little project will come next week.1.10bored-001

Lots of Lego buildings. They built a fort out of dominos and wanted pictures of it. Yes, I am proud of the angle he is getting 🙂1.10bored-01

Always one to antagonize his big brother….hand in front of the camera, notice Biggest Brother’s obvious frustration.1.10bored-02

Rocking it out on Lego Rockband (wii) with me. I was actually singing Summer of 69 while taking this pic…I got my first real six string, bought it at the five and dime1.10bored-03

After my incredible vocal performance I began taking off fabric on the curtains. Who knew that sun tans burlap instead of bleaching it? Yes, the light part is where the fabric covered the burlap, the dark part was the burlap exposed to the sun. Huh.1.10bored-3b

The little ones reading.1.10bored-04

We also stay busy licking eachother’s heads while watching Word Girl.1.10bored-05

And crack up at ourselves because it is just SO FUNNY to lick eachother’s heads!1.10bored-06

Then we see if Baby Sister looks like Indiana Jones with the black cowboy hat on. We determined she doesn’t.1.10bored-07

Now, what really entertains me in the cold is opening packages. For some reason, the past few days the mailman has been getting really cold delievering boxes to my door. Sometimes I wish I lived back when email didn’t exist. I love mail (real mail, not junk and ads). Unexpected packages are even better.

This one arrived with a doily label, I couldn’t cut the doily so I opened it from the bottom of the box. So much vintage goodness. Thanks Rachel!1.10bored-08

A gift passed on to me from my husband, from a sweet woman I am looking forward to meeting.1.10bored-12

Fabric from Mimi’s Fabric and More (etsy)…possibly for the playroom and a blanket.


And I saved the best for last. On her 6 month birthday, Baby Sister’s new hat arrived (here’s the story of her first hat). Yes, I ordered it in Nov., but sadly the first order that was shipped got lost in the mail. I checked on it last week and Zoe Lynn Designs got my order to me so quickly. I was so sad to hear that 2 hats got lost in the mail – so much time and talent goes into making these.  Baby Sister was happy to have her much loved hat too!1.10bored-16

If you remember from that previous post, I decided to respond to someone taking her hat by giving one away. So I ordered two hats from Zoe Lynn Designs: one for my girl and one of the same colors in size 12-24 months. I am tempted to keep it, but it will be more fun to give it away. I’ll just order her a new one when she needs a bigger size. So here’s the twist to the giveaway. In the comment section, tell me who you’d like to give the hat to. It can be anyone other than your daughter…so if you want your daughter to get it you’ll have to convince a friend or relative to try to win it for you! I think it will be fun for me to give it to you so you can give it to someone you love.


Giveaway details:

1 Zoe Lynn Designs hat in Shrimp & Hot Pink size 12-24 months

Please only leave one comment stating who you would give the hat to (multiple entries will be deleted, cannot be your own daughter)

Every comment is considered as an entry

Contest ends Sunday, Jan. 10th at 12:00pm central time (US)

Winner will be chosen at random using Random Number Generator (

Contest is now closed…the last counting comment was Brooke’s.

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goodbye shag

January 7, 2010

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Baby Sister {6 months old}

January 11, 2010