goodbye shag

Littlest Brother was in need of a haircut. I don’t know the technical way to cut hair, but with 3 boys I am learning to wing it. I barely have time to get my own haircut, nonetheless try to make appointments for the boys! So if you are skilled at cutting hair (Jesse, Natasha) please don’t judge too harshly! Trying to wrangle him long enough to cut off all that hair was a workout. The bathroom, the boy and the mom were all covered in hair. There was crying, screaming, spitting, wiggling and angry faces involved (and that was mostly just me). In the end he got a haircut…it is wonky and wild, but a little hairspray covers a multitude of mistakes!

He is not a laid back, sit still kind of guy. In fact last night around 2am he came downstairs and crawled in our bed, then the 3 year old came down with wet underwear. I went upstairs to take care of the wet mess and ended up sleeping with the 3 year old, while this guy took my place in my bed. At 6:30am I hear the baby waking and little feet pitter pattering in her room. This guy was in there checking on her. Since the lights were on downstairs I assumed he was up with his dad….nope evidently he got up, pushed chairs to all the light switches and turned on all the lights, fixed a bowl of cheerios (no milk), pulled out art supplies and was having a little alone crafting time on the kitchen table in the wee hours of the morning. He requires as much attention as the other 3 COMBINED. I called my sister later in the day to tell her I was dropping him off for a few hours to keep her running crazy entertain her. I didn’t.

I introduced him to a water bottle with a straw to get him to sit down for a few pics. I think the new cut suits him perfectly.1.10haircut-031.10haircut-04

Yeah, he’s pretty cute….and a HANDFUL!

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DIY {Wii minutes board}

January 6, 2010

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legos...packages...a surprise

January 8, 2010