curse of the unloved tripod
When I took an Intro to Photography course my professor said one thing every photographer needs and will use ALL THE TIME is a tripod. I am a bad student. Once a year I drag my tripod out to get a family picture…the kind where I am running back and forth from behind the camera to my family and we wait for the flashing countdown. Captures what we look like, but that is about it. Chris and I have never had professional portraits (a couple of friends shot our wedding – and did an awesome job) and I wanted to capture our family before we added another girl. (Remember, back then I was having major issues with another girl coming into my family đ ). So last March/April we had family portraits scheduled with my friend Shannon. It was the day of and I was on my way to get my hair fixed and was trying to be positive despite it was raining so hard I could barely see to drive. Needless to say Shannon and I talked and canceled…and I even got my hair appt. rescheduled. Well round two comes along…RAIN AGAIN. We rescheduled. Round three…RAIN AGAIN. After that I was so fully pregnant I wasn’t up for doing it until after the baby arrived. So round four is scheduled for this Thursday…can you believe this????
I call it The Curse of the Unloved Tripod.
On a side note, I’ve gotten a lot of emails about my kitchen remodel. I have a few things to finish before I want to post pictures. One big question has been the new wall color…oddly enough it is called “Stillness”. I don’t remember the brand, I found it at Lowe’s in the section of tinted whites, but I had it mixed somewhere else. I’ll post more pictures of it all later. It really is an oxymoron that my kitchen is painted a color by that name đ