DIY {seed packets}

The sunflowers were looking a bit scary so we had a couple of options: mow them down, harvest the seeds for eating, harvest the seeds for planting. I chose to harvest them, but they were a bit too small for eating so I went the harvesting for planting route.

I looked up online when and how to harvest…here they are drying out inside so the birds didn’t beat us to the seeds. And the seeds…901seedpackets-2

Since we didn’t need all the seeds I thought they’d make cute gifts to go on Christmas presents this year. As I thought of ways to make the seed packets I remembered some Save the Date templates I have (for brides & grooms to send out). One looked a little country to me – which Sunflowers are a lot country – so I tweaked it to fit my needs. I love how it came out. You could decorate your seed packets with labels, stickers, pictures, drawings, etc….limitless possiblities.

My label901seedpackets-2a

I printed my labels on ‘Full Label’ printer paper, got brown bags from Micheals and some twine & ribbon to hold them shut901seedpackets-2b

Labels on. A handful of seeds in each packet.901seedpackets-3

Seriously Cute.901seedpackets-4901seedpackets-5

Now I want to harvest all the seeds in my garden, but the reality is it took me 2 days just to finish this project! For a person without 4 kids running between their legs or in their arms you could finish this in under an hour. Very simple and easy.

There was a guess that my ‘project’ is to build a picnic table. Sorry to say we already have one in the backyard under the sycamore tree…we do pretty much everything under the shade of that tree…including eating lots of meals. Keep guessing.

UPDATE: Here are some free downloadable labels you could use for seed packets:

Floral label from Vale Designs found via iDIY

Birdseed Packets from Tricia-Rennea found via One Pretty Thing

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September 1, 2009

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DIY {candy caddy}

September 2, 2009