DIY {PVC water park}
I survived the first day of kindergarten…I’ll be honest it was horrible for me, but he loved it. He said, “Mommy, it’s like a birthday party, but it’s not.” Our original plan was to homeschool this year, but a great opportunity came up and we’re trying it out…
I saw this idea in Family Fun magazine and have been waiting for a day that my hubby was home to help us with it. The basic idea is to use PVC pipe, PVC connectors & adaptors and tubing to construct a ‘water park’. I used all 3/4 inch tubing and PVC pipes. We cut the pipes down using a saw and drilled holes in the pipe, tubing and caps. We really needed more “T” joints and smaller pieces of pipe….next time I am at Lowe’s I plan to pick up more of those. We didn’t use any glue to hold it together…which allowed us all to take turns taking it apart and builiding our own designs. Chris, Biggest Brother and I all enjoyed the building aspect. Big Brother and Littlest Brother loved playing in our creations. This was a really fun family project.
I really threw the Lowe’s guys for a loop when I went in asking questions about what adaptors I needed. They kept wanting me to draw out my plans for what I was building and I kept telling them there were no plans and I just needed to know what connected my hose to a PVC pipe. They were gracious, though I know I frustrated and confused them. They really wanted me to buy glue and bury my PVC to create a real sprinkler. I guess they don’t get many women with babies coming in asking for PVC pipe and so on to build a toy with…
Baby sister chilled out in her leg warmers (they actually have pink bows on them, but you can’t see them in this pic). Cracks me up everytime I put them on her š