My girl {one month}

One month. One month! She is divine and the fact that she needs me to hold her to fall asleep does not mean she is spoiled (like her daddy says)…it just means her mommy is incapable of not having her nestled close.

I do want to mention that the majority of pictures I take of her and her brothers are ‘real life’ pictures…they just don’t get posted as much for privacy reasons. Portraits are beautiful and capture what the subject looks like, but if that is all you are taking of your kids I encourage you to make sure you are capturing images that tell the story of who they are at this point in time…not just what they look like.

My girl.

I am always curious how other photographers capture certain images, so I figured I’d post a picture of what it looked like when I was taking these. Maybe it will give some of you some ideas for your pictures…diaper box holding up a boppy šŸ™‚

Yes, she does open her eyes…

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August 7, 2009

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our new splash park

August 11, 2009