the littlest brother

Three weeks ago I was struggling with the transition from calling him a ‘baby’ to a ‘toddler’. In fact the night before his little sister was born, Chris caught me in his room crying while I watched him sleep. Chris smiled at me and said, “He’ll always be your baby boy.” Since the ‘newborn baby sister’ arrived it has been fun to watch all the boys shower her with affection in their own ways. This guy has been the most fun. We have got to see a side of him that we didn’t know existed before. He pours out almost all his affection solely on her. The front of her onesies stay wet from his continuous kisses – he is crazy about her…and I love it.

(for you SnapShop girls I am posting settings on these too)

ISO 400, f/3.5, 1/100

He knows he can’t sit ON her, so he gets as close as possible

ISO 400, f/3.5, 1/100

Big Brother and Biggest Brother have introduced him to bugs this summer. He LOVES bugs. We were eating spinach enchiladas for lunch one day and he was convinced the pieces of spinach were bugs. Here he is checking out the “bugs”…it was the first time I heard him actually say “bug” too.

all the ones below: ISO 320, f/3.5, 1/125

Naturally, even though he was convinced I had given him a plate of bugs he had no problem eating them.

Yes, he eats with an adult fork…his big brothers do, so he thinks he should too

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my current favorite reads {that aren't DIY magazines}

July 28, 2009

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life in the sunshine

July 30, 2009