Ways to Charm a Southern Girl


I was born and raised in the South. As much as I am aware of and have experienced other cultures (many of which I truly love and appreciate), I am at heart a Southern Girl. I may not have big hair or fry my food, but I appreciate my southern culture. One of my favorite magazines, Cottage Living, is now out of print and the company replaced my subscription with Southern Living. At the end of the July issue it has a humorous feature on “15 Ways to Charm Her (a southern girl)” by editor Amy Bickers. I was surprised by how many rang true with charming this Southern Girl….funny how most of them I didn’t realize were ‘southern things’.

Here are a few of my favorite:

1.  Stand up for a lady (this doesn’t just involve chairs)

2. Kill bugs

3. Hold doors open

4. Fix things or build stuff

5. Wear boots occasionally (Not the fancy, I-paid-$1.000-for-these kind. We’re talking about the slightly mud-crusted, I-could-have-just-come-in-from-the-field boots)

6. Take off your hat inside

7. Grill stuff

8. Call us (if you want to ask us out, don’t text and don’t email. Pick up the phone and use your voice)

9. Stand when we come back to the dinner

10. Pull out chairs

11. Don’t show up in a wrinkled, untucked shirt (Care about your appearance but not too much. Don’t smell better than we do. Don’t use mousse or gel. You shouldn’t look like you spend more time in front of the mirror than we do)

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