entering the girl world {another nursery peek}
Soon and very soon I’ll have the nursery done!
I have not purchased:
any burp cloths (she can use blue ones w/ Rett’s name monogrammed on them, right?)
pajamas (baby girls can look cute in blue & green…I can just stick a gigantic bow on her that a friend has given me)
newborn diapers
baby wash
other somewhat necessary items
I have not packed a diaper bag to take to the hospital.
I have not packed a hospital bag.
I have not filled out pre-admission forms for the hospital.
I have not come to a final decision with Chris on name.
I have not got a car seat ready.
I have not brought the cradle down from the attic to prepare it.
I haven’t even sent off for Littlest Brother’s birth certificate…might as well wait and get them both done at once đ
For some reason it is so much easier for me to work on a nursery than to shop for a daughter. So basically instead of doing any necessary things to prepare for her arrival, I am working on her room – which of course she won’t sleep in for a while considering her brother is still in the crib….oh well. Priorities.
Not that you care for another sneak peek, but here you go. I know there is nothing remotely close to looking like a baby’s room…I’ll probably be ready to change it before she is ready to sleep in it anyway. Next week I’ll post actual pictures of the room.
POST UPDATE: Since writing this post some very dear friends held a special dinner for me in honor of our coming daughter. I am now fully stocked on some of the cutest girl stuff I have ever seen. I’ll share more later, just had to throw it out there that she won’t be using Rett’s monogrammed burp cloths (at least in public) or wearing doggie pjs (unless she has a new bow on her head). Thanks girls for a truly special SUPER GIRLY night, I am still trying to process it!