Entering the girl world {9 months}
9 months…the final stretch! When I was 9 months pregnant with Big (my 2nd) a good guy friend of ours commented to me that I was “huge” in reference to seeing a picture of me. A girl never forgets that…so needless to say I pretty much avoid the camera when pregnant – which has basically been the last 6 years đ Chris took a few of me when I was pregnant with Littlest Brother and looking back I am so glad he did. With this little one I let him take some maternity shots in the snow and had decided that would be it. Well we took the boys fishing and the location was beautiful, so I sucked it up and decided to celebrate one last month of being pregnant….you will notice I am never looking at the camera. I cannot smile at a camera without looking completely ridiculous. My friend Shannon is going to do some family pictures for us later…forget 4 kids ages 5 and under – she has her work cut out with me!
By the way, Chris is not for hire. His schedule is too busy as is and I demand all his extra time.
Just needed to clarify that because many of you will want to hire him after seeing these and his Egypt pics. đ
And the real reason we were out there. Our water guns always break or the boys have issues with the triggers, so we use water bottles. They were in a battle and Aunt Lesley got caught in the crossfire. She is a great aunt and is totally prepared if she has boys one day!
bigenjoyed catching fish, but LOVED throwing them as far as he could back into the water. He also found great pleasure in the worm box and all its contents.
Littlest was getting pretty hot, so I gave his brothers permission to help cool him off a bit. They didn’t hesitate in listening to me.
Uncle Eric and my “nephew” Duncan.
Big had to reel the fish in fast and throw them fast…Duncan put up a fight over the fish each time.
My dad and his girls cooking dinner. Why are hot dogs cooked on a stick from the woods so good?