handy man in training
The boys have grown up around all my “projects” and usually want to be involved in the process. My parents always let my sister and I do ‘construction work’ and one of my fondest childhood memories is of playing on the floor in my grandpa’s workshop…I still love the smell of pine sawdust. Biggest Brother, especially, likes to help me…
Helping sand the paint on his sister’s floor (more pics of that later)
While Chris was gone I worked a bit on a bed for our daughter’s room. While I was sanding he said, “Mommy, that is hard work you should let me do it.” So I did and he used an electric palm sander by himself for the first time. Later in the week he helped my dad begin tearing out brick in their kitchen. One day his wife is going to be very grateful to me đ
Once the brick in my parent’s kitchen really started tumbling the boys sat on the floor to watch their pappy go to town on it.
Can you guess which son is our handful right now? Have I ever mentioned he is just like his Aunt Lesley?
I love Biggest Brother’s face in the last one…”no big deal, that’s normal”