the joys of motherhood

I frequently forget to download pictures off my point and shoot. I finally got around to it and found these…H took the second one. Makes me wonder if this is the boy version of giving mom a makeover?

PHOTO TIP: I love my dslr, but it is also so great to have a little point and shoot I can take with me everywhere. If you recently upgraded to a dslr, I recommend holding onto your p&s. It may not take as great of pictures, but there are times that capturing the memory is more important than the quality of  the image. My dslr is too heavy for me to hold out for self-portraits, to get this shot of the two of us I would have had to set up a tripod or use a timer…all of which would have taken too long and he would have moved on to something else. Technically great picture? Nope. Memory that will make me laugh one day? Yep.

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big brother's 3rd Birthday week

April 21, 2009

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big brother {3 years}

April 23, 2009