a few (well a lot) from the weekend

SnapShop Girls: I know you are waiting to see the post of your pictures, I promise to get that up tomorrow!

We were quite the productive family over the weekend. We began Saturday by tearing out the carpet, padding, tacking and trim in the nursery. That was finished by 10am and then we headed outside for all day gardening and tree planting. While Biggest Brother and I were planting sunflowers Littlest Brother reached over and ate a handful of manure (the processed kind from Lowes…not fresh 🙂 ). Disgusting…I know. I think I cleaned most of it out before he swallowed, he was pretty upset I didn’t let him eat more. Go figure. Here’s one of us planting the marigolds we started as seeds inside…

I finished up the day with a bridal shoot at Woodward…where there were about 200 parents taking pictures of little girls in Easter dresses and teenagers in formals. Beautiful, but busy. I’ll post those bridals after the wedding.

Sundays are a little crazy for me. Chris has to be at church long before the boys and I do, so it leaves me to get the 4 of us ready and there on time. In an effort to avoid our tree while backing out the driveway I forgot Chris had driven my grandpa’s Explorer that morning and left his car at home. CRUNCH…yep, took off the driver’s side mirror of his car on the way out. When I picked Littlest Brother up from class his teacher stopped me outside the door. She informed me that while I was in service, he needed extra care. Let’s just say his teachers had to strip off ALL of his clothes and give him a bath in the preschool kitchen sink due to a mess that didn’t involve a craft. Poor teachers. I am going to bring them something extra special next Sunday. (I love Miss Donna) The thought did cross my mind, “I wonder if that is the aftermath of eating manure?”

After church we headed to my grandpa’s for Easter dinner and an egg hunt for the boys. My grandma passed away on Mother’s Day last year and she always loved to watch the boys hunt. It was hard not having her there this year. Here’s some hunting pics…

The anticipation before they were ‘released’

My dad pointing out in pride where he hid the eggs. He colored coordinated the eggs with the surroundings (purple eggs in purple flowers, green eggs in grass, camo eggs in leaves, etc.) Sadly, Littlest Brother didn’t get to participate because the only clothes the church had to put him in were a t-shirt and shorts from the storage room. It was too cold to let him out of the blanket.

I love this picture. Biggest Brother was very aware of how many eggs he found in comparison to his brother. He would frequently and non-chalantly find an egg, then go put it in his brother’s basket. I love the little guy he is becoming. At the church egg hunt a few weeks ago he saw a little girl crying because she didn’t get any eggs, so he took all the pink eggs out of his bag and gave them to her. Love him.

the one egg he found on the porch

Bummer to me that the middle pic is the only one I have that all 3 boys are in together….

Easter egg hunts the last 3 years. Evidently Biggest Brother was the one that needed the haircut before, now it is Big Brother…

And finally we wrapped up the weekend by putting the first coat of paint on the nursery. The older 2 boys enjoyed painting with me and since we tore out the trim and carpet it was easy to let them and not worry about the mess…

On a different note…Today is Big Brother’s 3rd birthday. I could go on and on about him, but I am guessing you are probably tired of reading by this point!

Happy Birthday Bud!

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DIY {Herb Garden}

April 10, 2009

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you know it's going to be a good day when...

April 16, 2009