Easter Bread

I am always looking for hands-on ways to reinfornce whatever it is I might be trying to teach the boys. Biggest Brother and Big Brother both like to help in the kitchen so when they got a recipe from church for Easter Rolls I was happy to try it out with them. There are cookie recipe ides for something similar, but I like bread. Well I like cookies too, but that is another story. Anyway, as you know this week leads up to Easter which is a HUGE celebration in our house. We talk about it all the time and this was a fun activity (and addition to dinner).

I improvised the recipe, but basically all you do is take frozen Rhodes rolls. Let them thaw, but not rise. I let mine thaw in the fridge for about 2 hours.

Once soft, roll them out

Wrap the dough around a large marshmallow

Brush on melted butter or spray with Spray butter

Sprinkle with cinammon & sugar

Let rise 45 minutes

Cook according to the directions on the Rhodes package

They are best right out of the oven all hot and gooey…not so great after they cool off. As we prepared the rolls we talked about what makes Easter so incredible is that when they placed Jesus in the tomb the story didn’t end there. A few days later the tomb was empty and Jesus had defeated death….the rolls are empty once baked.

Going along with the idea of reinforcing things with my kids. The oldest boys love to wear sunglasses right now. They also love dancing. So being the great mom from the 80s I am, I downloaded Corey Hart’s Sunglasses at Night from iTunes. Can you believe Chris had never heard it? Just breaks my 80s heart….


Now there is a post for you…Easter Bread and Corey Hart šŸ™‚

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April 10, 2009