Entering the Girl World {rad shoes & my first headband}

I ordered my first headband from Lou & Lee off of etsy – of course. I’m not sure if I’ll be a bow person, but the bird cage netting on this headband sold me. I am still not ready for the shopping in stores and, well, I love supporting handmade goods. My sister bought the shoes. I love everything about them. Not only are they SO CUTE, the company (Toms) donates one pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased. My sister knows me so well…a perfect gift. I will admit when I opened the package from Lou & Lee and when Lesley opened the box with the shoes…I squealed. Yes, I squealed over girl stuff…

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Littlest Brother meet sugar...sugar meet Littlest Brother

March 18, 2009

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downstairs {before & after}

March 19, 2009