Our Favorite Games {guest post by Corbett}

We play a lot of games in our house – primarily because I am not a fan of endless hours on tech, but also because we really enjoy that time as a family. Over the last two years our house has also become the place for Game Nights for Corbett, Hudson, and Everett’s friend groups. When I post about our Game Nights on instagram, I get flooded with questions regarding what games we like to play and how I go about hosting a game night.

In short, the way I plan a game night goes something like this (using Corbett as an example):

1. I pick a Friday night that works for MY calendar

2. I set a time. Usually 6-10pm. Now that Corbett and his friends are driving, I’ve learned they don’t leave at 10 like the younger boys whose friends’ parents pick them up.

3. I tell Corbett the date and time, he texts his friends and has them each bring a snack to share.

4. Sometime during the day of Game Night I buy other random snacks.

5. Teenagers show up. I do nothing. Teenagers play games.

I don’t direct or plan anything. I literally just pick the time and make sure there is some food.

I know there are more questions many parents have about how game nights came to be out our house, how we initially made them co-ed without it being awkward, how I handle phones (spoiler: its never been an issue!). I will write another post with those types of details, so feel free to add some questions to this post.

Today, I’ve invited Corbett to guest post by sharing his favorite games. These are games we play as a family and he plays with his friends. Without further ado…here is Corbett:

Hey, I am happy to share some of my favorite games. I know I need to write an intro, but I believe people don’t read these anyway, so I’m gonna jump right into it. This is a collection of board games/card games that are personal favorites of mine for either family games or game nights with friends.

Rummikub– Is a long time family favorite. I have many fond memories of playing Rummikub with my family and friends. It is easy to learn how to play and the rounds go by relatively fast. This is a fun game to just play and talk. 2-4 player game.

Risk– The Goal of Risk is to take over the world. Risk is a fun strategy game that should be played with 4-5 players or else its boring. A disadvantage or advantage, depending on your viewpoint of Risk, is the game can last forever.

Clue– Fun strategy game for any company, in Clue the players ask questions and make deductions to find out who the murderer is in the game. 3-6 player game.

Chameleon– Perfect ice breaker game for small-medium groups. Chameleon is a game of three to eight players. The goal of the game is to catch the chameleon. Everyone knows the secret word—except for the player with the chameleon card. Relying on their wit and social deduction , each player shouts out a related word to prove their innocence and tries to track down the impostor. Once everyone’s said their piece, the voting begins and the moment of truth arrives. Everyone sounded pretty convincing, but someone isn’t who they say they are. That someone is the chameleon. In order to successfully track down the guilty player and win the game, players will have to use all of their teamwork and witch-hunting skills. If you’re the chameleon, however, the rules are much more simple. Don’t. Get. Caught. Chameleon is consistently played anytime we have friends over because of the varying game play and the ease of learning.

Wackee Six: Is a newer game we have been playing. Combining wit and speed the goal of the game is to be the first player to get rid of their cards and earn the highest points. 2-6 player game.

Monopoly Empire– Monopoly Empire is a family favorite of ours. Its simple and easy to play and the games rarely go past thirty minutes. The only downside to this game is as I was writing this post I learned that it has been discontinued, however it is on Amazon for albeit a premium price.

Monopoly Cheaters Edition– My personal board game favorite. Monopoly Cheaters edition is for the ruthless, no mercy, rule benders. This game is perfect for a group of competitive friends or family members. The name of the game says it all. The best cheaters win in this game. If you are reading this Uncle Charles I am ready for a rematch. 😉 2-6 player game.

Apples for Apples– The go to game for large groups of people. Apples for Apples is a great conversation starter and a fun way to play a game with a large group of people. 4-10 player game, but I’ve played games with around 16 people so you can honestly make the games as big as you want.

Trash Pandas– Best for smaller groups trash pandas is a strategy card game that’s fun for younger age groups, but with enough strategy for all ages to play. 2-4 player game.

Exploding Kittens– Exploding Kittens is a highly strategic kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette. Players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an exploding kitten and loses the game. 2-5 player game

One Night Ultimate Werewolf– Essentially Mafia but with werewolves. One Night Ultimate Werewolf is consistently played with friends of pretty much any age. The concept is easy to grasp once you start playing and you can have a computer narrate the game on your phone or someone can be the narrator. One Night Ultimate Werewolf can be played with 3-10 players, however with expansion packs you can play with up to 75 players.

In conclusion, if you are looking for any games this summer these are some great games to play with friends or family!

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