why I don’t blog as often

I was texting my sister about something earlier this week and was reminded of the season I had a newly adopted 14 month old, 3 year old, 4 year old, 6 year old and 8 year old. I blogged a lot during that season of life, which when I look at pictures from that season it baffles me a bit.

Sweet babies!! (photos by my friend Ann)

Lately, I am sure a few of you long time readers have noticed a decline in how often I post. I’ve been thinking about it – how is it that I could post so often with so many little ones, but it is much harder now that they are older and more independent? You would think it would be the other way around! I still like blogging just as much as I did back then. Blogging still trumps Instagram to me (remember this old post!). So what is it?

This week, I figured out the answer: BEDTIME.

When this house was bustling with little ones, those little ones crashed early and I had a few hours each night without anyone needing me. I could sit on the couch, look at pictures from the day, reflect on the goodness of my simple life, and type away on my computer in an effort to remember what I knew I’d forget by morning.

I can’t do that anymore. I mean I guess I could, but I am choosing something better.

The late hours that were once quiet in my house are now filled with deep and at times difficult conversations. They used to talk about Lightning McQueen and Star Wars.

Now it is current events, friend issues, hurts, dreams and a whole host of other things I don’t want to miss out on processing with them.

(recent photos from a Motherhood session with my friend Jessie)

When the sun goes down and kids settle into their rooms, the talking begins.  It takes a long time to lay next to 5 kids and hear their hearts from the day. Some nights I want to rush through it and think about how I need just a little bit of “me time” before I crawl into bed. Oh what I would miss out on though if I rushed that time! I get to hear their hearts, struggles, longings and thoughts in the quiet, dark moments before they fall asleep. It is a pretty good trade for nightly ‘me time’ (now I just head to the gym early each day for ‘me time’). For as long as they want to open up to me, I want to be available to them. One day I may not be the person they come to when processing their world.

I have a page in my planner with about 60 things I want to blog about. Coming up with blog post ideas has never been a challenge for me (probably because I don’t mind being random), but finding the time to post – well, it is just getting more and more difficult.

There is no rhyme or reason to when I post here. I hear from other bloggers it is much better to have a schedule (M-W-F, T-Th, etc.). I just can’t stick with that because I never know where the conversation will go each night. Last night a teenager was eating cereal at 10:30 after he had already been asleep for 5 hours! What in the world? Teenagers are so funny.

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trying something new {guest post by Corbett}

October 11, 2017