plants everywhere {my indoor plant tips}

I was sitting in my living room with a friend recently and she commented that there were plants everywhere. I think I might have replaced all the pictures with plants! Though I’ve liked the empty wall space, I think I’m ready to add a few pictures back up.

Processed with VSCO with a6 presetPlants in my house last far longer than plants outside my house. I think it is the whole out of sight, out of mind thing. I’ve been asked how I keep plants alive in my house. Most of my plants are in small pots without holes (so water doesn’t get everywhere). My large plants are in pots with holes and drainage containers.

I thought I would share how I pot my smaller plants and succulents.

I use 3 things:

  • clay pellets
  • the pot/planter
  • the plant

plantlady-01Those little pellets have been the life saver for my indoor plants. I place them in the bottom of the pot and then put the plant on top. If I need to add a little extra dirt, I do. The pellets allow for drainage in the pot. I just have to be careful not to over water too much.plantlady-02My sister got me this little planter for my birthday. Turns out it is actually a pencil holder, but I’m going with planter. It was fun trying to decide what kind of plant to put in it. So many options – tall plant for tall hair, bushy plant for big hair, etc. I went with String of Pearls, so she will have long, funky hair one day. She sits right by the kitchen sink and keeps me company when I’m washing dishes. It is hard not to smile when I look over, so it makes being at the sink a little more enjoyable!


I’m often asked how I keep indoor plants alive. I am not an expert. I’m sure I do a lot of things wrong, but here are my tried and true tips:

My indoor plant tips:

  • Pay attention to if the plant needs light, if so place it near a window
  • Don’t water too often. I water every 7-10 days…and just a tiny bit
  • Use plant food. I found tropical plant food on Amazon.
  • Sing to them everyday. My plants prefer Brad Paisley and some Taylor Swift mixed in. Find what your plants like and belt it out.
  • Just kidding on that last tip – really, I just stick them somewhere and water (with plant food) every week or so.

My sources:


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