mom quotes.

The last couple weeks have been full around here. My nieces were in town for a week from IL. I had the chance to take one’s senior pictures. Hard to believe by next May all the toddlers in my wedding will be either in college or college graduates. Wild. My nephews are in town this week from CO and Corbett started 7th grade in a new (AKA INTENSE) program. Football practices have begun. Chris and I snuck away for a couple days together – hiking and rafting. We’ve been swimming, thrifting and working on projects. Of course, there has been mounds of laundry, breaking up fights, piles of dishes and the beginnings of longing for the school routine. We are soaking up the end of summer, but I’m ready for routine!


I came in the kitchen earlier this week to find my son adding a common “mom quote” from our house to our letter board. “That will be 10 burpees”. It made me laugh – I do say that almost daily. Sometimes (quite often) my kids need a little reinforcement to encourage them not to repeat a behavior. Not sure that it works, but the biceps in this house are getting remarkably ripped!

I posted the picture on Instagram and asked others to share things they often say or things their parents said. The list was too good to leave buried in Instagram comments. I thought some of you would enjoy these too (you can read them all on my IG).

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything!

Be kind or be quiet!

Why don’t you go take five laps around the house?

Parking lots are not a place to play, they’re a place to obey.

Take a breath.

Fold your hands (when we are in a public bathroom)

Watch your tone.

Is that how you’d want to be treated?

Stop and think.

You turkey!

Don’t be a turd.

You’ll have to face the consequences.

Don’t leave a mess for someone else to clean up… a blessing.

Be a helper, not a hurter!

Do you girls need an AA meeting? (AA = Attitude Adjustment ~ my mom contributed this one)

You can’t always get what you want.

Patience is waiting without whining.

Would you like it if it was done to you?

Somebody’s spicey! (Teenage boys are always spicey!!!)

For serious!!!

You can’t cuddle your way out of discipline.

If you’re going to be a turd, go lay in the yard.

You’ve lost the freedom to speak.

Be nice or be quiet.

**I** will be the mother here, thank you.

Hey, let me be the mom, you be the sibling.

Scoot your boot.

Hustle your bustle.

Anyone who makes it to the car before me gets ice cream on the way home

I understand. You’re too tired to obey. No problem. Let’s get you to bed.

Go to your bed and count to 100.

An attitude of gratitude.

Many hands make light work.

Eyes on me, ears turned on.

Be a blessing not a burden.

Let us oft speak kind words to each other.

I can be kind to everyone for that is right you see. (So I say to myself) remember this: kindness begins with me.

Obey the first time.

You lost that opportunity.

Thank you for choosing to obey.

Swing hard, run fast.

I’m not an octopus!

Use your power for good.

You get what you get and don’t throw a fit.

Use your words.

We all work til we are all done.


As the new school year approaches, feel free to add your own to the comment section to help the rest of us out (whether through laughing or simply wisdom in words).


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secret agents running around

August 8, 2016

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sitting at the pool {a motherhood rite of passage}

August 12, 2016