linger just a little bit longer

So before I get into today’s post, I have to share a little story. My grandparents read my blog (so cool…and my grandma is taking my phone photography course!). Anyway, my grandma called me last night after reading my blog to tell me the house they lived in in Texas was located a few miles from the Mercy Ships headquarters. I remember being a little girl running around the construction site when they built that house. I remember hours playing in my grandpa’s woodshop out back. Well, my grandparents moved from that Texas house to Oklahoma a little over 10 years ago. They heard that Mercy Ships had bought their house and it is now used as temporary housing for volunteers. I have so many childhood memories from that house, so amazing that it is a Mercy Ships home now. Small world. Cool story.



According to Webster it means “to stay somewhere beyond the usual or expected time.”

I’ve been wrestling with that word for about a year now. I hear it in my head when I want to move one to the next thing on my ‘to-do’ list.

I hear it when a child is curled up next to me and we finish a book linger here, stay here, soak this in

When plates are cleared but family is still at the table linger here, do the dishes in a few minutes, breathe deeper here

I hear it when Chris wraps me up in his arms linger here, stay

Lingering. Staying just a bit longer is so hard for me. I’m am a get’er done girl. There is the temptation for me to believe that lingering is wasting my time. There is the lie that tells me that to stay longer means I won’t get the important stuff done. In the last year, I have been learning that that is quite simply not true. There is often no better use of my time than to linger.

The sweetest moments of my days happen in the linger.

I asked my sister to write it on my chalkboard, just as I am writing it on my heart. There are major perks to having an artist as a sister.

My sister has been adding so many new prints to her shop. I’m so thankful I could convince her to come share her talents at my house. After all the work she did creating my chalkboard, she created a print of the same design for her shop. I am so proud of her. She is an incredibly talented artist and it has been exciting for our whole family to watch her business grow and thrive. You can check out her shop at:

This weekend, I’m going to be lingering. Lingering just a little bit longer.

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Mercy Ships {Sevenly}

February 6, 2014

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wee little painting helper

February 11, 2014