diy {fabric covered jars}


Hold your seats.

I’m sharing a DIY project! I know they have been few and far between over the last few months, but this week I felt crafty. Now, I will warn you. This is not rocket science or even all that creative. It is a tutorial that involves 3 things: old jars, old fabric, hot glue. I get comments all the time asking about my creative process. It always makes me laugh because there isn’t much to it. So, I share this tutorial for those of you that like to hear how others create and for those of you that never thought about gluing fabric to jars. The rest of you…this might way too simple for you!

I spend a lot of time at the kitchen sink. I made a hanging shelf for it a while back (click here for the tutorial on Design*Sponge). Well, it held vintage thermoses and jar snow globes all winter. After taking the winter stuff down it has sat empty and bare…and boring. This week I decided enough was enough and it needed a summer spruce up.

I gathered random jars I had on hand. I have way too many glass jars.  I also have a lot of scrap fabric. I wanted to use to vases from friends on the window sill, so I picked fabrics that had coordinating colors with the vases.

Always have lots of helpers on hand…I don’t need a big work table, but I sure would enjoy one!

My fabric was all squished and wrinkly, so I started by cutting strips (length of the jar diameter) and ironing them.

My first version I just wrapped the fabric and tied it in place. While I was making mine, my 6 year old was working on his own creation. I am not sure what it is, but he knew exactly what he wanted.

After picking all his materials and cutting them, he asked me to hot glue the fabric on. Once I saw his glued, I liked it a lot better than mine so I started over. I layered the strips and hot glued them on one side. Around the curves of the jars, I just pulled tight and glued.

And now I have a happy, summer windowsill. For those wondering, the vases and little bowls are from Anthropologie.

I also get questions about my “studio”…well, currently this is my studio….and while I am doing the glamorous job of studio photography I’ve got one asking me how to fill out his Nature Journal and another I have to remind not to move my flowers. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

My DIY tab has not been updated in who knows how long. It is on my list. I guess the upside of not doing many projects these days is it means less work when it comes to updating those pages!

A few people have left comments here and on facebook asking about advertising information. I am working on new information for that, but please email me at ashleyannphotography @ yahoo (dot) com if you would like to receive info once I have it available. Please go ahead and email me if you left a comment somewhere asking for that info. Thanks!

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June 13, 2012