i hate posts like this…

source AP

I know…2 blog posts in a row at night…not my normal thing. I’ve lived in Oklahoma “Tornado Alley” nearly all my life. The devastation in Joplin is beyond words. When FireCracker was in the hospital we had a tornado warning and were evacuated to the hallway. I was playing with my iPad the whole time. Sometimes around here we get so used to tornadoes we can forget how incredibly powerful and destructive they have the power to be. If you live locally there are numerous churches driving over to take supplies. Chris will be going soon to assess ways our community here can help. Some other organizations offering aid are:

Thirst No More

American Red Cross

There will of course be many more ways to help in the coming days & months.

If you are associated with a group providing aid, feel free to leave that information in the comment section.


Please note if you follow a lead in the comment section, I encourage you to verify it is a legitimate organization providing help,

it is sad I have to say that – but I do.

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I've got a cruiser on my hands

May 20, 2011

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The Cast {tips on life with a hip spica cast}

May 24, 2011