stuck inside…working on my bedroom

Since were stuck inside and unable to get a car out for a few days I did get some stuff finished up for my bedroom. And since I couldn’t leave my house I had to rummage through random things I have stashed away to make a few new things. I started with some pillows for my bed. In my head I want a beautiful, classy bedroom. One that people walk in and say, “Wow Ashley, this is gorgeous.” The reality is I start making things and despite my best efforts at clean and classy my random self emerges and the result is far from what was in my head….and people say, “Well, this is different.” or “It is very eclectic and unique.” I think ‘eclectic’ is the nice way of saying, “Ashley, your room is really weird.”

Maybe one day I’ll achieve clean and classy. For now I’ll just go with weird.

I started with making pillows. I confess to all you experienced seamstresses I did not use one ruler or measuring stick. I never changed my thread from light teal despite all the fabric being different colors and I totally made up what I was doing as I did it. Perfect pillows, no. Will they work, yep….just don’t examine them closely.

I made the pillows out of random fabrics and trims I’ve been collecting. The fabric above I scored on my crafting weekend with the girls. Most of the others are from flea markets. I got some new old sheets from JaneSays Vintage. I found a bag of about 500 yo-yos (round fabric things) already attached together into large squares for $2.50 for all of them! I just pinned one square to a pillow.


The patchwork/striped sheet/ hankie pillow reminds me of Anthropologie.

At least I tell myself that so I feel better when people tell me it is ‘different’ or ‘unique’. 🙂

Well the pillow making took one evening. The next day I just started nailing and hot gluing things to the wall across from our bed. I only had 4 things to hang, but ended up rummaging the house and filling up the wall with a bunch of junk little things I enjoy looking at. I still need to paint a few frames, so I’ll share more pictures of the wall later. Chris was doing taxes while I was hanging things. I yelled to him, “Hey babe, I just nailed a bunch of junk to the wall.” He responded, “I don’t doubt it.”

There was one spot on the wall that I needed something tall to fill. I couldn’t find any frames, but I did find a crocheted hanger I picked up a long time ago. I thought I’d make a little mobile like thing to hang on the wall. Like many things in my home, it was inspired by Dottie Angel. I had some scraps of old postcards from my perpetual journal project (I never throw away scraps of great paper). I trimmed them to my desired size.

Then I laid them out on the table under the hanger with some lace trim to decide spacing and order.

Finally, I stitched them down the middle (still with that teal thread because I was to lazy to change it)

Fun little wall hanging and it fit that empty spot perfectly.

And that was a little bit of what I did during our week stuck at home. There is supposed to be more snow tonight so I need to make a run to Hobby Lobby and the fabric store to stock up on supplies for more projects!

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keeping us warm & cozy

February 7, 2011

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snow days...lots and lots of snow days

February 9, 2011