what I want to give: presence
There is one thing my kids ask me to give them more than anything else: my presence. Their biggest want comes in the form of
“Mommy will you…..
play with me,
push me on the swing,
cuddle with me,
help me,
color with me,
build with me,
watch me.”
It is all too easy for me to be too busy with things that I claim aren’t my priorities while not giving undivided attention to the ones that are my priorities. One more email, another load of laundry to fold, dishes to wash, Legos to pick up…there is always something I can give my attention to. My ‘to do’ list grows faster than I can check things off.
I want to do better at giving them my presence….it is what they really want. They want it more than anything I can buy at a store or make with my hands. I think it is the greatest gift I can give them…not because I am a fabulous mom, but because I am their mom. In all my failures, mistakes, screw-ups. In all my home runs, great moments and got it rights. I am their mom. That is enough for them. Isn’t it great to be loved by a child?!
(yes…my 6 year old is missing in these pics…he wasn’t home when we took them)